Plastic bag animals by Joshua Allen Harris. I was researching road grates for the film I'm working on and came across these awesome bag sculptures/ street art. Thought I would share. I thought the air bear was particularly whimsical. Enjoy!
I did these this week while researching Victorian architecture for the layouts on the new film. Its the first time I've drawn any layout work in a long time so I feel like I'm just starting to get into the swing of things again.
I was doing some research for the new film and decided to combine some of my digital work with some of my rough thumbnails. Just thought I would share.
So I thought I would share one of my favorite living painters. I originally saw her work in a 2006 issue of Juxtapoz and totally fell in love with some of her paintings. Syvia Ji never fails to make me feel like getting up and making some art happen.
definitly check her out.